Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Nayaz - the TEAM LEADER!!

proudly presenting you the team leader mbt process in billing... Nayaz...! One good friend of mine in office:)

**dE nIghtShift tEAm**

#...!!dE Night ShifT team!!...#

Jhonny jhose

This is Jhonny boy from support... My colleague and partner in crime!! For all those who know both of us... Know exactly what we are talking about :-P {evil grins}

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


What can i say about this guy? Dont get fooled by his looks!!! Lol:)

Prem davey does it once again!

Prem davey- the manager does it once again....caught on cam in a candid mood:) thats prem for ya..

Kamal and lokesh

The bullies of night shift

The dangerous duo !

Prem davey

Prem davey "the manager of billing team"


An ex Pradot employee... He was here when things were quite different at Pradot... Never the less miss him and his antiques


Ever seen a monkey who goes around his head to scratch his ears!! This is one such guy and if also happens to be my best friend at work:)

The famous pAntOmIme - Debut rElease 15/11/2007....wAtcH oUt..!!